Doing good for ourselves, our community, and our earth!? Say L.e.s.s.
Hi, I’m the owner, Jasmine. I opened Less on Earth Day (April 22!) 2022.
The concept of L.e.s.s. is pretty simple. Consume and produce LESS packaging and unnecessary things and it becomes MORE. The LESS we spend on things we don’t need, the MORE MONEY we have for things that ACTUALLY MATTER to us. The LESS harmful ingredients we use, the HEALTHIER and HAPPIER we become. The LESS waste we consume and LESS pollution we create, the MORE we do for OURSELVES, our COMMUNITIES, our FUTURES, and our PLANET. LESS CRAP = MORE TIME, MORE HEALTHY LIVING, MORE WEALTH, and MORE HAPPINESS.
Now I’ll let you in on a little secret. I am definitely NOT a perfect shining example of a zero waste producing, recycles everything perfectly, climate activist, eco-hero. The purpose of L.e.s.s. isn’t to shame anyone into becoming an impossibly sustainable, never let ‘em see us with a plastic water bottle, environmental perfectionist. We’re human and we can’t be perfect, but I believe making a continuous effort to consume LESS and produce LESS waste, improves life for ourselves, others, and our environment… and that is flaw-LESS ;) I am learning and working to improve my habits for the better everyday, and my hope is that with L.e.s.s. you can too.
“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”
~ Maya Angelou

L.e.s.s. provides Lawrence with the ability to create LESS waste by refilling natural, organic, & non toxic products in the containers and the amount of your choosing*. L.e.s.s. also provides sustainable alternative options to everyday items helping to reduce waste and create conscious consumers overall.
*L.e.s.s. is not responsible for contamination from the reuse of containers